Friday, March 5, 2010

I Scream, You Scream..

Here's the recipe for Medifast Ice Cream! If you haven't tried this yet, you should try it immediately. It really hits the spot and takes care of my late night cravings for old habits. I did not create this recipe, and I can't really track down who did, because it's all over the internet. I just want to be up front in saying that it's not my brain child, though I'm definitely enjoying it.

ICE CREAM (aka Soft Serve)

1 packet MF pudding (vanilla or chocolate)
1/2 cup water
1 cup ice
2 Tbsp SF syrup (I really like DaVinci's Peanut Butter flavor)
1 Tbsp cream cheese (which counts as a healthy fat, so make sure you can have one before making this recipe)

Place ingredients in a blender (something like a Magic Bullet works best) and blend until smooth and creamy. Add more ice to thicken it, if you'd like. Grab a spoon and enjoy!

I love this recipe because it really makes a decent amount of soft serve. It's not playing around. I can sit there with a spoon and enjoy a big bowl of the stuff, and it tastes fantastic. Even my husband likes it, which is saying a lot. It's been especially nice lately, since I've been stuck at home with a killer virus for the past 5 days. Feels so good on my throat, which kind of feels like it has daggers in it every time I swallow. OH, THE JOYS.

The good news? Down 13 lbs now, in 4.5 weeks. Yeeeeeah!!!

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